Buyer's Inspections
You want as much information as possible about the home you are considering to purchase. Our comprehensive, professional inspection will provide you with the information and confidence you will need to make a good sound judgement about the home. The inspection evaluates home safety, and structural and mechanical soundness. We look for risks to your families health, and identify potential maintenance issues that will eliminate unwelcome surprises in the future.
Pre-listing Inspections
Todays real estate market is definitely a "buyers market". With so many homes on the market for potential buyers to choose from, what is going to make yours stand out above your competition? One way is to have Dream Home Inspection perform a pre-listing inspection. By having your home inspected prior to listing, we can uncover any issues you may have with the home that could jeopardize the sale if these issues were uncovered by the buyers inspector. Getting these issues resolved before you list the home shows buyers that you are not trying to hide anything about the home. It shows your honesty and willingness to disclose the issues. Use the inspection report at your open houses as a marketing tool to the buyers.
1-Year Home Warranty Inspections
Most builders provide a one-year warranty for new construction. Generally during this period of time the buyer develops a "punch list" of corrections for the contractor to repair under the warranty coverage. Some defects will not be obvious to the untrained eye. It is prudent to obtain a home inspector's list of items that will most likely be repaired by your builder at no cost to you. You will be reassured knowing that potential problems were addressed before they grow into something that could cost you a large sum of money down the road!
Radon Testing
Unfortunately, Iowa is known as high radon level state. Radon is a cancer causing gas that cannot be seen or smelled. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking. The EPA has recognized all counties in Iowa as Zone 1. Zone 1 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening levels above 4.0 pCi/L. Iowa has an average indoor radon level of 8.5 pCi/L of air. The average indoor radon levels in the US is 1.3 pCi/L of air. Radon levels above 4.0 pCi/L are considered elevated, and mitigation is recommended. The EPA recommends that a home be tested for radon whenever it changes ownership. The radon test is a minimum of 48 hours. When possible, we make arrangements to set the test 48 hours prior to the inspection so you are assured your test results the same day as your inspection.
Pest Inspection
Dream Home Inspection recommends that you have your home inspected for wood boring inspects when you purchase a home. Termites, Carpenter Ants and Powder Post Beetles can all be found in Iowa and can all damage the structure of a home. Having your home inspected for these pests is an inexpensive peace of mind.
Thermal Imaging
Thermal Imaging Cameras are used to detect temperature differences on surfaces within a home. This can help determine if insulation is properly installed and where the "voids" in the insulated walls and ceilings may be. When water is present, a surface will tend to register as cooler because the wet surface gives off heat, much like your sking when you sweat. Therefore, thermal imaging can help detect hidden leaks in walls, ceilings, and roofs. It can also be used to find drafts around windows from poorly sealed or insulated windows or wall outlets. Dream Home Inspection uses this advanced technology to help provide you with the best possible inspection available on the market.
Click the images below to see the types of issues we encounter during our home inspectoins and what to be aware of when evaluating a home: